Sometimes the delicate cells of the macula (part of the retina) become damaged and stop working, and there are many different conditions which can cause this. If it occurs later in life, it is called “age-related macular degeneration”, also often known as AMD.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of macular degeneration or AMD, usually referred to as “wet” and “dry”. This is not a description of what the eye feels like but what the optometrist or ophthalmologist can see when looking at the macula.
“Dry” AMD is the most common form of the condition. It develops very slowly causing gradual loss of central vision. Many people find that the vision cells simply stop working like the colours fading in an old photograph. There is no medical treatment for this type. However, aids such as magnifiers can be helpful with reading and other small detailed tasks.
“Wet” AMD results in new blood vessels growing behind the retina, this causes bleeding and scarring, which can lead to sight loss. “Wet” AMD can develop quickly and sometimes responds to treatment in the early stages. It accounts for about 10 per cent of all people with AMD.
AMD usually involves both eyes, although one may be affected long before the other. This sometimes makes the condition difficult to notice at first because the sight in the “good” eye is compensating for the loss of sight in the affected eye.
You cannot wear out your sight, so do not be afraid to continue to use the “good” eye as normal.
The good news is that AMD is not painful, and almost never leads to total blindness. It is the most common cause of poor sight in people over 60 but very rarely leads to complete sight loss because only the central vision is affected. This means that almost everyone with AMD will have enough side (or peripheral) vision to get around and keep his or her independence.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of macular degeneration or AMD, usually referred to as “wet” and “dry”. This is not a description of what the eye feels like but what the optometrist or ophthalmologist can see when looking at the macula.
“Dry” AMD is the most common form of the condition. It develops very slowly causing gradual loss of central vision. Many people find that the vision cells simply stop working like the colours fading in an old photograph. There is no medical treatment for this type. However, aids such as magnifiers can be helpful with reading and other small detailed tasks.
“Wet” AMD results in new blood vessels growing behind the retina, this causes bleeding and scarring, which can lead to sight loss. “Wet” AMD can develop quickly and sometimes responds to treatment in the early stages. It accounts for about 10 per cent of all people with AMD.
AMD usually involves both eyes, although one may be affected long before the other. This sometimes makes the condition difficult to notice at first because the sight in the “good” eye is compensating for the loss of sight in the affected eye.
You cannot wear out your sight, so do not be afraid to continue to use the “good” eye as normal.
The good news is that AMD is not painful, and almost never leads to total blindness. It is the most common cause of poor sight in people over 60 but very rarely leads to complete sight loss because only the central vision is affected. This means that almost everyone with AMD will have enough side (or peripheral) vision to get around and keep his or her independence.
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